Examples of %GED


	Edit ^b
	Beginning screen:
	<End of File>
	Screen with a change to ^b(1), elimination of ^b(3), and two new entries ^b(4) and ^b(5):
	<End of File>
	%GED responds:
	Invalid syntax: b(4)=pears
	return to continue:
	After screen:
	<End of File>
	%GED responds:
	node: ^b
	selected: 3
	changed: 1
	added: 2
	killed: 1
	Edit ^ <RETURN>

This example shows the use of the full-screen editor to change, add, and delete (kill) nodes. When you exit from the editor, %GED checks the syntax and reports any problems. By pressing <RETURN>, return to the full-screen editor to fix the error. At the end of the session, %GED reports how many nodes were selected, changed, killed, and added.