The GTMI$_LOCAL mode indicates a local name reference. With GTMI$_LOCAL, key1 refers to a local name and the optional key2 indicates the first subscript level. GTMI$_LOCAL is valid for both global reference and LOCK resource name operations. The local mode is also valid for GTM$LOCK, GTM$INCLOCK, GTM$DECLOCK, GTM$ZALLOC and GTM$ZDEALLOC operations.

The GTMI_LOCAL mode indicates a ocal name reference. With GTMI_LOCAL, key1 refers to a local name and the optional key2 indicates the first subscript level.


	gtm$declock(GTMI$_LOCAL, &name)
	mode = (short)GTMI_LOCAL;DESC_MODE (k0[0],mode);DESC_CHAR (k0[1],"C");DESC_ZERO (k0[2]);
	status = gtm_declock(k0);	

This corresponds to the M statement:


This specifies a local name as key1 (name).